86 Hours rocks!

I just got back to Broken Arrow after spending a week in Siloam. I got to attend 86 Hours summer camp with CCF's middle school youth group, and it was absolutely amazing. The teaching was incredibly challenging and thought provoking, and the worship was so moving. It was exactly what I needed to recharge my soul before setting off for Bolivia.
Here's an update on my progress...I'm in the midst of aquiring my plane ticket, not an easy task since most of the flights are already booked. Please pray that my travel agent will find a flight that still has an empty seat...and that isn't too expensive!
Please also pray for Matt as he begins his journey back to the States tomorrow. Pray for safe and smooth travel, and that all the luggage makes it!
Aww, there's my baby in her camp shirt on the far left, with her beloved youth group and leaders (ahem!) She came home and slept for a day straight -- you guys wore her OUT! But she had so much fun -- she put the signs you guys held up during her clogging routine in a special place -- that was really nice.
Thanks so much, Dana, for all your wonderful kindess to the girls in your Bible study/youth group. They were lucky to have you as a mentor, and I know those kids in Bolivia are going to be lucky to have you, too.
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