I survived! I was so nervous about graduation...you just never know what kindergarteners are going to do when you put a group of them on a stage in front of lots of people! But they did great. They remembered to sing, and even occasionally to smile. No one fell, they kept their hands to themselves, and none of them cried. I had one student who did show up - he was supposed to do three parts, but I assigned them to other students and they did them perfectly! It could not have gone more smoothly...thanks I know to the power of prayer!

After we finished our program, which included six songs and three Bible verses, I took them out into the hall and dressed them in their caps and gowns. They looked so adorable...so serious when we brought them back in and gave them their certificates.

There we a couple minor glitches of course...aside from missing a student we were also missing a diploma, which we didn't discover until we called the student's name and realized we had nothing to give him! We also, unfortunately, were missing the cake. There was some miscommunication with the bakery, (they thought we were sending a taxi for it, we thought they would deliver it since it was already paid for) so the cake didn't get to the school until around 2:00pm (the reception was over by 10:00am). Oh well, we put it in the lounge and all the teachers were able to enjoy it.
That afternoon (Friday) a group of eleven SAM singles (plus Hannah and Charles, and some girls from Canada) headed up to Samaipata for the weekend. It was freezing cold, so we spent most of the time huddled around the huge concrete monstrosity that posed as a fireplace. (It's the strange, redish-colored sculpture right behind us).

It took about three hours to heat up, but once it did it was hot! We played lots of games, chatted, and generally "chilled" (no pun intended). It was exactly what I needed after the craziness of the last week of school.

And here I am, sitting in my empty classroom. It's almost over. It's good, I'm ready to come home. But sad. All part of leaving I guess. I've started saying my goodbyes...not easy at all. I'm trying not to think of it as forever...after all, I'm pretty sure I'll come back at some point, if only for a visit. Anyway...They happy news is I will be home in ONE WEEK!!
i did not know that even little kids had graduation?!! that is so sureal to me! we do not have graduation for high school or elementary (right?) aged kids in ireland! anyways.. they are sooo cute in their little robes!
im praying that u will have a God centred and blessed last week!
write soon... joxxx
Congrats on a great year, Dana. All your little kiddies look so very cute and adorable in those caps and gowns. (Where do you get caps and gowns those sizes?) Glad you are home safe and sound!
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