Old Miss Sterling had a farm...
So I decided to totally sell out as a kinder teacher and actually develop my own unit. I mostly did this because I had a ton of extra time on my hands when I had a student teacher, and I thought it would be fun to try. It was...though way too much work to do all the time! Thank goodness for wonderful teachers who post their ideas on the web - most of my unit was pieced together from other sources.
Mauricio, Carlos Andres, and Kailey pose in front of our barn...the kids helped me decorate the scene with torn tissue paper. We'll add animals this week.

I got the idea to do a farm unit from a song that I wanted to teach my kids called Color Farm. The song is to the tune of BINGO, but it talks about a farmer and his animals which are all named after different colors. These animals are not your typical garden variety...the horse is named Green, the duck is Orange, and my favorite, the cow, is Purple!
Here are Clara, Santiago, and Joash adding their own artistic touches to our barnyard animals.

Even my centers all had a farm theme...in the dramatic play center the students pretended to be farmers or farm animals, the book center was filled with farm books, and in writing students decorated their own farm counting book. Here are Sofia, Alexis, and Raquel in the block center, with their original design for a barn (I didn't have any plasic animal figures, so they used our counting bear instead).

Mauricio and Raquel enjoying the book center...their favorite reads are Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type, Down on the Silly Farm, and The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash

In addition to being Farm Week in kinder, it also turned out to be birthday week! Tuesday was Andre's big day...he's now 14 (going on 25). His basketball team also won their second consecutive Championship trophy that day. Go Eagles!
The Basketball star poses with some adoring fans...Lidia's childhood friend and her husband

Wednesday was Laura's special day...at least I hope it was special. I threw a surprise party for her in kinder...craziness let me tell you! I was so busy rushing around making sure it went smoothly I completely forgot to take pictures! Wednesday was also SAMair's 30th Anniversary celebration at the hanger...again no pics (sorry, I'm a slacker) but it was really neat to see a slideshow of all the people who've been involved with and helped by SAMair over the years. We have one plane right now and two pilots that keep busy flying back and forth to hard to reach rural locations all around Bolivia.
This weekend was a much needed break from traveling. It was nice to spend time at home, though I felt a little guilty for not checking something else off my list! Oh well, there's always next weekend.
Hello Miss Dana,
My mom says to tell you thank you for all the wonderful, newsy posts. She loves reading about how you are doing.
Are you still my girlfriend?
Hi Sugar,
The farm unit looks great and I'll bet the kids love it. We are so proud of you and thank God daily for your commitment to serve Him. I can't wait to have you home and share all the wonderful stories with you.
Love you,
Hey Dana, you sound so clever and creative with your unit study on the farm. Good going! Do you do a new unit every week? Thanks for all the lovely posts and sorry I haven't commented for a while. I tried last week, but my account no longer worked. I'm back again now!
Well said.
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