The Long Road Home
Well, I'm back. Of course any of you reading this would probably know that already, but in case you're wondering, I made it.
It was not the easiest trip I've ever made. Monday morning, the day I was leaving, I woke up early feeling very sick. Unfortunately the sickness didn't leave. I made it to Miami, wrestled my bags (all 120 lbs. worth) from the baggage claim and somehow met up with the van that took me to my hotel (thanks to a shortage of flights to Tulsa I had a forced overnight in Miami). After I checked in I hauled my bags up to the room and collapsed, only to find out that because the room was pre-paid I wasn't given any "luxury items" ...including a remote control and phone service. I made it down the block to a pay phone to call my parents and let them know I was alive (barely) and bought some Gatorade so I wouldn't get too dehydrated...since I was still incredibly sick.
Anyway, to cut the travel nightmare short I made it back to the airport with all my bags and onto the flight without any problems. I made my connection (even had time to stop for coffee, thank you America for Starbucks!) and landed safely in Tulsa, where I completely lost it as soon as I saw my parents. I don't know what I would have done without them. They took me home and put me to bed, bought me more Gatorade and crackers, and nursed me through the next five days of sickness. I don't know what caused it all...I did start taking an anti-parasitic medicine, which I'm pretty sure made me even sicker (the cure is worse than the ailment...NO KIDDING). Thankfully after I finished the medicine the sickness went away, and I was able to start eating again. Now if only I can make myself stop...Just kidding, although I have been enjoying all the yummy food America has to offer...the more grease soaked the better!
Now I'm back in Siloam Springs, busy unpacking and applying for jobs. Unfortunately there are no openings this year at my old school, so I'm beating the bushes at all the other districts in Northwest Arkansas. Everyone keeps saying there will be something, and I believe them...but being unemployed is still a scary place to be!
I don't know if I'll keep up this blog...I think if I keep blogging it will have to be on a new site...Dana in the States maybe. Anyway, I just want to thank all you faithful readers and supporters for your thoughts and emails and prayers. I never would have survived this past year without you! I'll leave you with this blessing, the one SAM gave me during my last prayer meeting:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26