Still here...

Sitting in a waiting room...a different one, but the same too. Same plastic chairs, same annoying TV show, same stained floor and weird smell. Daddy's still in the same hospital room too...but at least he has a room. He had to wait in recovery for 7 hours before a room opened up in the neuro ICU. He was doing really well yesterday, but today he succumbed to the horrible headache that the doctor said is a normal sign of recovery. Poor guy...he'll have it for probably two days at least. Just pray that they can manage his pain.
I haven't heard yet a new date for Bolivia...but I'm hoping! I feel like I have one foot in two I was on the edge of the diving board, ready to jump, but the lifeguards called a break and I had to climb back down and get back in line. All the nerves about leaving came back...I feel so inadequate and unprepared. I know that God doesn't use those who are equipped, He equips those He uses (or something like that). But it's small comfort when you're gazing down into the dark water from the edge of a high dive. The there anything more terrifying? Then again, is there anything more thrilling? The words "let go and let God" take on a whole new meaning...
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