I'm really leaving!

Big news...today I (finally) purchased my ticket for Santa Cruz! There was one seat open...so my travel agent jumped on it. I leave from Tulsa on July 23rd, at 1:30 pm. That will give me about ten days to get settled before I have to begin teacher in-services. So that is an awesome feeling...knowing that I really have a ticket makes it feel more like I'm really going.
I'm writing this from a hotel in Colorado Springs, where we're waiting for Matt to get finished with his debriefing session. He got back in to the States with no trouble...and all his luggage! =) We met the plane at DIA, and it was so good to see and talk to him again. It has been so long! Thanks for all your prayers. He's not sure what he wants to do next yet, other than sleep for a long time! =)
We'll be here in Colorado until Saturday, when we'll head back to Broken Arrow and I'll start packing! =)