"Daddy's home!!"
We used to yell that whenever Dad would pull into the driveway at the end of the day, but I say it with even more joy now! Finally, after 14 days in the hospital, he made it home. After we were released this morning (it was supposed to have been last night, but you know how that goes) we stopped by the doctor's office to learn how to use his "picc" line...it's his take-home I.V. I didn't know that you could take home your I.V., but apparently you can. We have to give him his medicine through it twice a day. It was kind of cool to learn, but I'd be scared to actually do it (Mom is still the chief nurse around here, Matt and I are just techs).

I'm up to my elbows in red tape. Turns out I do need a visa, (I was told before that a tourist visa would work, but that was incorrect) and now I'm scrambling to gather the necessary documents. The hard part is that everything has to be notorized, authorized, and legalized. Oh, and translated into Spanish! What a pain. Please pray that I can fight my way through the mountains of paperwork and still manage to leave on time. I know that God will work it out...I already made an amazing connection with the Oklahoma visa preparer. Turns out that she graduated from SCCLC, where I'll be teaching!! Isn't that a total God thing?!! She's already been super helpful in letting me know what all I need to get for my visa to be approved.
So that's the latest. It was so great to see some of you when I was in Siloam last weekend...I'm sad that I couldn't see everyone, but it was a super last-minute thing.
Keep up the prayers...I need all I can get!
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