...Or not

Well, I spoke too soon. Turns out the leak was not completely fixed, or else it opened again...either way we're back to square one...or square two at least. Dad will have to go in again for the same surgery, and they'll try again. This third surgery is scheduled for tomorrow (Weds.) at noon. Dad says he feels like he's joined a diabolical "surgery of the week" club, and wants to know how to cancel his membership.
Seriously, we were all pretty discouraged by this new setback at first, but then God reminded us that He works all things for His glory, even repeated surgeries. We also found out that the fever he's been running is caused by an infection...spinal meningitis to be precise. Fortunately it's the bacterial kind, not the viral strain, and is easily treated. They have him on a double dose of antibiotics and think that they will be able to clear up the infection without further complications.
Despite these setbacks, Dad is still encouraging me to go ahead and start preparing to leave for Bolivia. I've been in touch with the school, South America Mission, and my travel agent, and the ball is rolling. I feel like I need to be here at least for a few more weeks, until Dad is out of the hospital and recovering, so my approximate new departure date is the middle of September. I'll be sending a snail mail letter out to everyone when I get the details nailed down.
However, a new wrench has been thrown in the works. Some of you know that the reason that I majored in Middle School Education was to avoid having to student teach in kindergarten. Well, I'm here to tell you never say never...I think God regards it as a challenge. Because guess what...they have the fifth grade position well covered, aside from the Social Studies period three to four times a week. The grade they really need a teacher in is...you guessed it, kindergarten. When I first found out I had a moment of panic and disbelief...no, surely not, anything but that. Then I immediately thought to refuse, to ask to be put anywhere but there. But, after I hung up the phone, God nudged me in the ribs and whispered, so who's plan are you following? Why are you going to Bolivia? Do you really trust me? And I realized that I had made myself available to fill a need, no matter what that need may be. Even 5 year olds.
I think I'm still reeling from the shock. All I know is that God wants me totally dependent on Him, not my own abilities, and also that He has a sense of humor.
man, what a whilrwind you are going through. we will keep praying for you as i know you are just still unsure about where to go next. AND we will pray for your dad too and his next surgery. Good thing you all just have such a love for eachother, that you can support one another in all that is happening.
we love you
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