Settling in...
It's been a while I know...partly because I'm still trying to figure out my schedule, and partly because my internet has not been working. I think the problem is fixed now, so here goes! I'm just going to give journal style entries on the past week.
A lazy morning, then Iwent to help Dana Wilson (a SAM missionary) clean her dishes and put them away (she'd just moved in to a new place and is still unpacking). That took most of the day. We were going to go to the Expo Santa Cruz (huge fair) but we decided we were too tired. So we stayed in and made guacamole and watched Ladyhawk instead.
The best day at school so far, but the evening was marred by a rather frightening micro experience. I decided to ride the micro (bus) back to church for Bible study, which is very close to SCCLC. Though I've never ridden the bus to school, I've taken in home several times and thought I'd be able to figure it out. I realized my mistake when the micro turned down the street past my usual turn-off. I thought maybe it would just circle around, but instead it wound its way down smaller and smaller dirt roads, until their were only a couple of passengers left. Then it pulled over at a little shack, and everyone including the driver got out. I decided this was a hint that maybe it was the end of the line, so I got out too and called Virginia (thank you Jesus for cell phones!) I waited by the side of the road in pitch darkness, praying fervently, until she found me and gave me a ride back to the church. Lesson learned: Never get on a micro unless you know for sure where to get off!!
A bad day - the students were excited about a birthday party after school, and couldn't concentrate for anything. I also started feeling sick halfway through the morning. I went home via taxi (which Laura very kindly called and gave directions too) and slept all afternoon. I felt well enough to go to small group prayer meeting at the Gambrell's (Dana picked me up) and am really glad I went. There was a visiting missionary there from the jungle near Brazil (he is in Santa Cruz until his plane is fixed). His stories made my struggles look so insignificant. I definitely got some perspective back! Pray for his ministry - a boarding school for the surrounding Indian tribes, and for his wife who is the principal and facing lots of persecution from the nearby Catholic school.
I dreamed during the night of waterfalls and flooding, and woke to a lake on my bedroom floor. (There'd been torrential rain for most of the night). There was also water dripping from my closet. I told Lidia, so hopefully the leak will be fixed before the next monsoon hits.
Kids much better today - until the decided to run all the way back to class from Music (a wet playground had prevented much running at recess). The all got in trouble, and one little girl was so upset by having her clothespin moved she cried for the rest of the afternoon.
Laura cheered me up by taking me shopping at the Hipermaxi, then to dinner at the Cine Center. I tried to direct the taxi back home, but he couldn't understand me! Apparently there's a big different between cuatro anillo and cuarto anillo (guess I need to work on my accent).
A tiring day...I felt like I was running behind all day. The kids were in control, but just barely. I was very happy to wish them a happy weekend and send them on their way. The day got better when I was finally able to track down the tech guy and get my account up and running. It's so nice to be able to use the internet! I'd no idea how dependent I'd become. No plans for tonight yet, which sounds kind of nice. Still working on Spanish...hoping to start taking classes sometime. Keep praying, especially for my sense of direction!
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