Dana in Bolivia

My journal about my mission to Bolivia, teaching at a Christian school in Santa Cruz.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Random snapshots

I know we talk about how changable the weather is in the States, but we've got nothing on Bolivia. The temperature can literally drop 20 degrees in 10 minutes when a south wind blows in. The day I took this picture it was gloomy and rainy all morning, and fairly chilly. Then around 2pm the sun came out and it was hot, steamy miserable for about 20 minutes, until the clouds rolled back over and we had a terrific thunderstorm! I'd never seen a sky so dramatically different...brilliant blue with black clouds. The picture doesn't do it justice.

On Saturday Laura and I discovered some A&W Root Beer at the Hipermaxi - usually root beer doesn't exsist in Bolivia. So we bought enough for everyone in the house (plus a few extras) and treated everyone to root beer floats! It's amazing how taste is so closely connected to memory. If I'd closed my eyes I would have felt like I was home!

Hans Laura Lidia Dovanna Andre

Last week we bid a very sad goodbye to "Miss Tricia", a high school student from the States who had come to spend a semester of her Senior year with a missionary family. She'd volunteered twice a week all day in Kindergarten. I don't know about the kids, but I know that I miss her terribly!!

Where do you go to buy the prettiest, cheapest flowers? The cemetery of course!! Seriously, that's the best place to get boquets, plants, loose flowers...anything you might want to give as a gift (or to decorate a grave). The front of the cemetery, just outside the wall, is lined with flower shops. The Kinslies stopped with me on the way back from church (which was hotter than a dutch oven, by the way...I felt like a baked potato) and we bought some potted plants for them to decorate their new garden. Isn't this flower seller adorable? I wanted his hat! =)

This was just a smattering of randomness...kind of like my week has been! Yesterday was especially long...kindergarten until 12, Spanish class at 2 (which was completely exhausting...as I'm sure you know if you've ever tried to learn another language!), then to a birthday party for one of my students (we were an hour late, but the party was just getting started when we got there), left the party before they cut the cake to take a taxi to Bible study, then back home again at 8:45. I was so exhaused that all I could do was take a shower and crawl into bed. Lesson (re)learned - It's a good idea to say "no" once in a while!

Spanish was actually really good. I really like my teacher - she's very nice and doesn't go too fast (yet). Still, 4 hours a week is a very long time! Please pray that I can do my best to learn without exhausting myself. Also pray that I will stay strong and dependent on Christ. I've been a little homesick the past few days, and I think culture shock is setting in a bit. I'm so thankful for any and all comments and emails!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

The illustrations

For some reason blogger wouldn't let me post any pictures with my last posting. Here are some that go along with it:

Andre, doing his homework(?)

The crazy 4-6 grade girls, waiting impatiently for High School Musical to start

Laura with the Strebig girls at El Atrio's dedication - aren't they adorable? Raquel (the oldest) is in my class.

Further adventures

Last week was a pretty normal one, whatever "normal" may mean. A trip to the Hipermaxi on Monday, Bible study Tuesday (I didn't get lost!) prayer meeting Wednesday, back to Siete Calle on Thursday for a dress fitting...then the craziness of the weekend started.

Friday I worked in the library from 12:30-2:30, mostly helping with crowd control. I read some and helped students pick out books. I really enjoyed it - I'll be helping every Friday afternoon from now on. As soon as I finished I rushed home to help Laura bake some cookies to take to the dedication that night for SAM's new building, El Atrio. The downstairs has actually been in use for about three years, but the upstairs is finally complete. We attended the ceremony and helped served dessert (which was bountiful) and visited with the other missionaries and guests. The building houses several missionaries' offices and some classrooms where English and theological classes are taught.

After the dedication (all in Spanish, but I had an excellent translator) Laura and I rushed home to change clothes, then head to SCCLC for a lock-in. There were only three other adult volunteers, so it was good that we could make it, even though we were very late. The Junior class sponsored it for 4th-6th grade. There were about 35 elementary students there, plus the high school "coordinators." It was pretty crazy, though not as bad as it could have been! I tried to picture having a lock-in at Southside West...I can't even imagine. They had snack in the cafeteria, free use of the gym, and movies up in the chapel (we got there in time for "High School Musical). They even had some rooms designated for sleeping, though I'm not sure how much they were used! I conked out in the teacher's lounge about 2am and didn't wake up until 7. Guess I'm getting too old to pull all-nighters.

Saturday was a lazy day. We came home from the lock-in and slept, then lounged around with Lidia and the boys.

I have a funny story about getting to church on Sunday. Laura had shown me how to get there by micro, and I told "the other Dana" (Wilson) that I would meet her there at 10:30, when the service started. I confidently waited by myself by the side of the road to flag my micro, which didn't arrive. I waited for what seemed forever, growing increasingly uncomfortable by the stares and whistles I was getting from the latinos around me (apparently a gringa dressed up for church is quite a spectacle). When one man stopped and turned around, staring at me, I decided I'd had enough and flagged a trufie. A trufie is a taxie that has a set route like a micro, and costst the same amount. I was pretty sure the Laura had said I could take one to the church. I watched out the window, looking anxiously for landmarks, a little nervous but confident that I would recognize my stop. I did see the main landmark I'd been looking for, the market, but it was on the wrong side of the street! I had sense enough to stop the trufie and get out, but I was very turned around. I walked in what I hoped was the right direction, narrowly avoiding being run down by a micro, circled the market and by the grace of God spotted the church's sign. I've never been so thankful to walk into a church in my life!

After the service, (very nice, though all in Spanish of course) Dana, her guest Gabe, and I met up with Heather and Sarah (the art teacher at SCCLC) for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then Heather took Sarah and me to a half-way house for street kids, which was having a mini-fair to sell the products that the kids had learned to make. They had all sorts of handmade items - keychains, bracelets, purses, bookmarks - I stocked up on gifts! They took me home by way of the Hipermaxi. I spent the evening watching a movie with Lidia, the boys, and Dovanna. It was called Across the Tracks, and starred Brad Pitt. I think it must have been one of his first movies, because I think he was like 18 or something. I good movie, aside from all the swearing.

This should be another "normal" week. I do have a meeting tomorrow with a Spanish teacher, which I'm super excited about! Hopefully she won't give me up as a hopeless cause.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Retreat

I'm a little nervous about writing about this past weekend's retreat, because I'm afraid it will sound more like I'm on vacation than living in a 3rd world country! But, in the interest if honesty...

SCCLC had their yearly retreat at the Buganvilla Resort here in Santa Cruz. The location was beautiful, very lush and exotic. We spent most of the time just relaxing and talking, with a few crazy games thrown in, and worship together on Sunday morning. Unfortunately the weather wasn't very good, so we couldn't really enjoy the pools, but I did get a manicure at the salon! =)

The food was amazing...delicious and so rich. Unfortunately I forgot that my system is still adjusting to Bolivian cuisine, and had to leave the Saturday night games early due to an overabundance of "the blessing." I spent the evening watching Twister on TV, in English!! (All the English programs that we get at the house have been dubbed in Spanish).

We had a very nice time...it was fun to spend time with the staff outside of school. I highly recommend it for every faculty! =)

The beautiful pool...unfortunately too cold to swim in.

You'd never imagine that such a calm group could turn into such competitors...but our game of "Fruitbasket Upset" got vicious!

Here I am posing by the Buganvillas with Laura and Virginia - we decided we wanted to come back when the weather is warmer...maybe for Thanksgiving Break in November.

Friday, October 06, 2006

A glitch...

Here are the pictures that go with my last posting...for some reason it wouldn't let me put them on that post. Gotta love technology...

Samuel, Carlos Andres, and Joash playing in the block center

Laura, Lidia, me, and Dovanna at the upscale Swiss restaurant

The Birthday Boy, Hans, with his birthday tiramisu (how do you spell that?)
Dustin, Hans and Andre's half-brother, and former Mr. Bolivia, enjoying the chocolate fondue


I think Bolivia is becoming less confusing...or maybe I'm just getting used to feeling confused. In any case, I'm starting to feel more at home. I can recognize major landmarks and figure out my way to a few familiar locations. Santa Cruz is designed in rings and radials rather than the grid system that I'm used to, and they use round-abouts instead of intersections. Add to this the fact that everything looks the same, and you can see why it's taken me so long to orient myself. I haven't gotten lost on any more micros, which is a definite improvement! My next goal is to learn how to get to the SAM base and the church where I'll probably be attending. I'm also still hoping for Spanish lessons, but am not sure how it will work yet. Here are the highlights from this past week:


I taught my students the song, "Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar," which they absolutely loved. Carlos Andres told me a very long story, all in Spanish, and when I asked him, "Can you say it in English, please?" he thought for a second and said "Very big house," and when back to his game. The parents are all very eager for their children to learn English...I wish I could say the students were eager to learn it.


We went to dinner at a very fancy Swiss restaurant to celebrate Hans' quincenera (15th birthday). Hans is one of Lidia's sons, the woman I live with. There were sixteen of us! I sat on the "English end" of the table near Laura and Dovanna, the two American girls I live with (Laura is a fellow teacher at SCCLC, Dovanna works in an orphanage), Andre and Hans, (Lidia's sons who also live at the house), Dustin (their half-brother) and Ron (Lidia's ex-husband). It was a very interesting group, let me tell you! Of course the boys kept us in stiches with their antics, and Ron and Dustin told us all about the haciendas they own, which they're fixing up for tourists to come visit. Maybe over one of the holidays we'll go down and visit one.


It seems that I spend my evening dining out! This time it was with Laura and Virginia. After prayer meeting we went to The Feria Alecitas, which is a yearly local fair that offers lots of typical Bolivian products. I got some jewlery and some presents. The we went to Michaelangelo's, an Italian restaurant with delightful decor and very tasty food! It's a favorite with the missionary crowd.


I paid for my rich, late-night meals today with an upset stomach and a touch of "the blessing," (to put it delicately). I haven't been really ill since coming here, just a little sick every now and then. I'm told it's just part of the adjustment.

I went with Laura to the Siete Calles (7 Streets) for her dress fitting. It's actually cheaper to buy material and have clothes made here than to buy them off the rack. Her dress is going to be really cute...I think I may have to have one made too!


The kids were wild...somehow they know the weekend is coming too. It also may have something to do with the weather. We had a random cold front come in yesterday afternoon, and it's stuck around. The call it "the south wind." Guess it's like a north wind, but since we're in the Southern Hemisphere it's the south wind that's cold. Not too bad...I'm still comfortable in a light jacket, but all the kids came to school bundled up!

Tonight we're having one of Laura's friends over for dinner (another big meal), and then this weekend is the school retreat at a "resort" here in town. Hopefully it will warm up enough for us to be able to enjoy the pools!

Keep praying for my sense of direction, and also that I can connect with the ministries that God wants me to get involved in. I feel like I'm pretty well settled, and want to get involved where I'm needed. Pray also for my Dad, he starts his 6 weeks of daily radiation treatments on Monday.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Extra pics

I forgot to add some pictures...here are the ones from this past weekend.

The start of the march for Jesus...If only I could attach the noise too - the picture just isn't complete without the earth shaking praise music (Latin Christians like their music LOUD!)

Our "Creation Pictures" from the Iuray Indian camp Sunday school (they were only supposed to get two fishes each...and I'm pretty sure I only gave two fish to each child. Apparently they muliplied miraculously)

The adorable "Italian" Iuray boy...though he didn't want any hugs (but he did ask for fish multiple times!)

That's it for now...but I know I will have plenty more!! Please keep praying that I will improve my Spanish, and also that I won't get lost again (a terrifying experience, let me tell you!)

my restful weekend?

So I keep thinking, ahh, this weekend I can get some rest. But it never seems to happen. In fact, I think I'm usually busier during the weekend than I am during the week!

First weekend:
- met several missionaries
- moved in to my room completely
- went the the movies (twice)

Second Weekend:
- went out to eat then bowling with the Kinzle's
- made a trip to the Hipermaxi to discover what I can and can't buy here
- went to the movies (again...the Cine Center is a definite favorite weekend destination)
- attended a river baptism (where I narrowly escaped being eaten alive by sand fleas - and I have the scars to prove it)

Third Weekend:
- Spent Friday night at Virginia's
- Breakfasted Saturday morning at Alexander's (a super tasty cafe)
- Marched for Jesus down the center of Santa Cruz with a few thousand Bolivians
- Helped teach Sunday school at an Indian camp
- Attended an all-Spanish service
-Shopped a huge, open-air used clothing store (I did find a quilt for my bed, but I can't use it until it's washed because it may contain the eggs of a moth that, after hatching, would burrow their way into my skin)

I know there's more...but everything is running together so I can't even remember what all I've done. I'm feeling pretty tired, even though it's only Tuesday! Fortunately the kids were semi-good today. I think they're starting to get used to me. I think God made little kids irresistable for a reason...it's the only way anyone could survive teaching them. Poor things, I know most of them don't understand half of what I say, but they try. Some more than others. But anyway, I already love them all.

I'd like to say that next weekend will be more relaxing, but no...Friday night we're having "company dinner" at home, then Saturday-Sunday is the school retreat. Maybe I'll get some rest on the retreat...I at least plan on getting sun. Don't worry, I'll wear sunscreen. =)

Enough rambling...here's what you really want, pictures!

Heather in the Hause's SUV at the river (she did an amazing job of driving...I'm sure I would have killed us all)

Baptism at the river

Laura standing on "our" bridge (we cross it every day to get home)

The three Kinsle girls, Rebecca, Rachel, and Erica, at the plaza where we ate delicious steak and cheese sandwiches (they didn't make me sick...a very good sign! =))