my restful weekend?
So I keep thinking, ahh, this weekend I can get some rest. But it never seems to happen. In fact, I think I'm usually busier during the weekend than I am during the week!
First weekend:
- met several missionaries
- moved in to my room completely
- went the the movies (twice)
Second Weekend:
- went out to eat then bowling with the Kinzle's
- made a trip to the Hipermaxi to discover what I can and can't buy here
- went to the movies (again...the Cine Center is a definite favorite weekend destination)
- attended a river baptism (where I narrowly escaped being eaten alive by sand fleas - and I have the scars to prove it)
Third Weekend:
- Spent Friday night at Virginia's
- Breakfasted Saturday morning at Alexander's (a super tasty cafe)
- Marched for Jesus down the center of Santa Cruz with a few thousand Bolivians
- Helped teach Sunday school at an Indian camp
- Attended an all-Spanish service
-Shopped a huge, open-air used clothing store (I did find a quilt for my bed, but I can't use it until it's washed because it may contain the eggs of a moth that, after hatching, would burrow their way into my skin)
I know there's more...but everything is running together so I can't even remember what all I've done. I'm feeling pretty tired, even though it's only Tuesday! Fortunately the kids were semi-good today. I think they're starting to get used to me. I think God made little kids irresistable for a's the only way anyone could survive teaching them. Poor things, I know most of them don't understand half of what I say, but they try. Some more than others. But anyway, I already love them all.
I'd like to say that next weekend will be more relaxing, but no...Friday night we're having "company dinner" at home, then Saturday-Sunday is the school retreat. Maybe I'll get some rest on the retreat...I at least plan on getting sun. Don't worry, I'll wear sunscreen. =)
Enough's what you really want, pictures!
Heather in the Hause's SUV at the river (she did an amazing job of driving...I'm sure I would have killed us all)

Baptism at the river
Laura standing on "our" bridge (we cross it every day to get home)
The three Kinsle girls, Rebecca, Rachel, and Erica, at the plaza where we ate delicious steak and cheese sandwiches (they didn't make me sick...a very good sign! =))
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