We do have paros! A paro is basically a strike, where the whole country (or at least several districts) refuses to work for a day in protest of government policies. So, Friday when my dear friends in Arkansas and Oklahoma were stuck indoors due to a snow and ice storm, I was home too! Nothing was open, and neither micros nor taxis were running, so we spent the day relaxing, reading, chatting...basically everything all of you did, except that we were in shorts and sweating! =)
We did actually haul out the Christmas decorations in my classroom, and the kids had great fun decorating our little tree and putting garland up in random spots around the room. We're making decorations all this week too. I'm going to get into the holiday spirit if it kills me!

Last week (Wednesday I think) we had a huge rainstorm all morning. Now, apparently when the ground reaches a certain saturation point the amphibians that usually inhabit it must evacuate to keep from drowning. And what better place could be found at SCCLC than the many covered walkways that criss-cross through campus? There were frogs everywhere, of all shapes and sizes. One intrepid creature decided the sidewalk was still a bit too damp, and hopped right into the classroom as soon as we opened the door! Fortunately I kept my head (I didn't scream or anything) and calmly asked for a volunteer to catch it. Jonathon obliged, chasing it around the kitchen center until he finally captured it. The kids were all for making it our new class pet, but I vetoed and we let it go on the playground.

Saturday night I attended one of the social events of the season...the dinner theater production of Uncle Phil's Diner, put on by SCCLC high school students. It was such a blast, complete with burgers and milkshakes! I took tons of pics, but I'll spare you and just post a couple.
Here's my table - Virginia, the Hause family, Pablo, and Laura. Our waiter was the bad-boy-turned-good greasemonkey Tony, who gave great service but forgot to wash his hands (but that was okay since the food was already greasy).

Here's the whole cast singing Happy Birthday to Kelly Langdoc (former kinder teacher, current elementary principal). Too bad it wasn't her birthday. She took off with the cake, but they made her give it back.

I guess the holiday season has officially begun, because this will be the busiest week I've had yet! I have something every night - Monday (tonight) we're having guests for dinner, Tuesday is my Bible study's Christmas party, Wednesday I'm having all the singles over for my birthday party, Thursday is dinner at the Kienzle's with the newest SAM missionary, and Friday is the elementary Christmas program! I'm tired already!